Thursday, February 7, 2019

Son & Dad - Giacometti-esque

Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) was a Swiss, Surrealist-reject sculptor whose small, iconic figures grew exponentially after meeting his future wife, Annette Arm, in 1946 (this is my gross simplification of Alberto’s evolution to larger human figures). His L’Homme du doigt (Pointing Man) is 180 cm tall (70 inches).

In 1961, Samuel Beckett commisioned Giacometti to do the set for a production of his play, Waiting for Godot, at the Théâtre de l’Odéon. In the end, the two old friends made in a collaborative work.(Christopher Heathcott provides an insightful, meandering, in depth description of When Beckett Commissioned Giacometti.

Alberto Giacometti and Samuel Beckett with the tree created for the production of Waiting for Godot, 1961. Photo by Georges Pierre

L’Homme du doigt (Pointing Man) by Alberto Giacometti, 180 cm tall (70 inches).

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