Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Apple Pie

Our best pie, ever!

We used Natsha's Apple Pie Recipe with Best Filling with just a couple minor tweaks.

  • PASTRY ingredients:
    • All-Purpose Flour : 2-1/2 cups
    • kosher salt : pinch
    • butter : 8 oz
    • ice cold water : 2/3 cups
    • egg : 1 large separated
    • sanding sugar : 1 t

  • PASTRY process:
    • mix dry ingredients
    • cut in butter
    • add water
    • form ball and cover with plastic wrap
    • place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes
    • roll out and fold five to seven times
    • divide in half; store half in fridge, roll out second half
    • place in buttered deep dish pie dish
    • prick; place parchment and pie weights; and par bake for 15 minutes at 325F
    • whisk egg white and paint pie pastry
    • par bake for additional 5 minutes at 325F

  • FILLING ingredients:
    • Granny Smith apples : 2-1/2 lbs
    • cinnamon : 1-1/2 t
    • butter : 8 T
    • flour : 3 T
    • water : 1/4 cup
    • sugar : 1 cup
    • lemon : juice of one lemon

  • FILLING process:
    • peel and core apples
    • slice and place in bowl with lemon juice (to stop browning)
    • whisk butter and flour over medium heat
    • whisk in water and sugar and bring to boil
    • reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes; remove from heat
    • add cinnamon
    • add sauce to apples and toss
    • place in par-baked pie pastry
    • roll out second half of pastry and lattice cover pie
    • whisk egg yoke with a few drops of milk
    • brush egg yolk mixture on pie lattice
    • sprinkle sanding sugar on pie lattice

  • BAKING process:
    • preheat oven to 425F
    • place pie on aluminum covered pan to catch overflow and minimize cleanup
    • bake pie for 15 minutes
    • turn oven down to 350F
    • bake for 45 minutes
    • let cool for at least an hour before serving