Saturday, May 9, 2020

Charting COVID-19 in my families' counties, states, regions


7 graphs are included below:
  1. New Covid-19 Cases for Family's Counties
  2. New Covid-19 Cases for Family's Counties per 100,000 population
  3. New Covid-19 Cases for 5 States
  4. New Covid-19 Cases for 5 States per 100,000 population
  5. New Covid-19 Deaths for 5 States 
  6. New Covid-19 Cases by Census Regions
  7. New Covid-19 Cases by Economic Analysis Regions
  8. New Covid-19 Deaths by Economic Analysis Regions

1. Watching how we're doing with managing the coronavirus in three California counties, one county in Kansas, and two parishes in Louisiana.

2. This graph uses new cases per 100,000 population to help compare the six counties. It made the escalation due to the meatpacking clusters in Seward county Kansas starling obvious.

3. Looking at new cases for five states gives me a larger perspective. I added Tennessee and Georgia since we have friends who live there.

4. To better see how these states compare, I normalize the data using new cases per 100,000.

5. I also track deaths in each of the five states.

6. Going up another level, I look at the new cases by census regions. Here's my post that includes a listing of the states in the Census Regions. NOTE: Northeast data affected by Massachusetts making a -7,342 adjustment 9/3/2020

7. I also look at new cases by Economic Analysis Regions. Here's my post that includes a listing of the states in the Economic Analysis Regions. 

8. A look at deaths by Economic Analysis Regions brings up the question: Why are death rates in New England and the Mideast states nearly 3 times as much as other regions?  

Finally, I look at Coronavirus in the United States on the NYTimes website

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