Monday, January 30, 2023

Latin for an Old Man

In high school I dropped the ball when it came to Latin. It was 1964 and one of the 'cool' kids in my all boys, St Aloysius High School brought a pony to Latin class. It galloped around the room and every one of us used it to quickly do our translation homework.  Everyone except Glenn Hymel!

Consequently I didn't learn Latin in high school.  In fact, other than Ola, Adios, si, no, and gracias, I speak only English, and being from New Awlins, even that is barely intelligible.

So, here I am at the age of 75 on a quest to rectify my academic failing.

Since this isn't the first learning quest I've attempted (my previous forays have been short lived, ending when my steed gets entangled on the windmill of enthusiastic lethargy) I'll try to be wise by adopting the following guidelines:

  1. Complete 4 chapters a week.
  2. Devote no more than 60 minutes to a lesson
  3. Do an assessment at the end of each fortnight to adjust guideline 1 and 2
I've reviewed some on-line resources and decided to make my learning goals simple:

  1. Complete the 14 Duolingo Latin Lessons
  2. Read the 40 chapters in the 6th edition of Wheelock's Latin
  3. Do an assessment when goals 1 and 2 are achieved.
Assuming that I can digest 4 chapters each week, it will take me a minimum of 10 weeks to do this.

3 WEEK UPDATE: It has become obvious that 4 chapters a week is too ambitious for me. The book is used for 4 quarters of first year Latin, so one chapter a week is more realistic.  To help me digest these chapters I've found two collection of videos:
  1. Wheelock's Latin Chapter Videos by Rebecca Ceferatti
  2. Wittenberg Academy: Wheelock's Latin by PastorCurtis
It seems that learning the declensions and conjugations is important so I've backtracked a bit to 'catch up".

The DuoLingo is fun.  It's more user friendly as a web app than a tablet/phone app (there are less advertisements in ther browser version). I may be able to complete the 14 Lessons within 40 days.

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