Monday, July 29, 2024

A spreadsheet of the Great Books of the Western World

I entered the house where the Mom smiled. Her 'kiddos', Jimmy and Gina both had puppy smells except Gina's was like she rolled in fresh cut grass and flowers whereas Jimmy just smelled like the inside of a shoe. Their dad, Tom, smelled liked cars, since he made his living crawling under them. 

I liked Tom. He actually talked to me. Most adults just ignored me (easily done since I was in my invisible phase) or mumbled in my direction. 

"See these?" he said, pointing at some books.

"You mean the books?" 


"Read them and the Bible if you want wisdom."


"They are called the great books of the western world. A man named Mortimer put them together and he made a Syntopicon for them."

"What's a sin-topic-con?"

"Good question. 

"It's like one of those Indians you watch on your TV Westerns. It's like a guide to help you get some place.

"You see, Mortimer believes that the bedrock of our civilization are our myths and stories. The ancient Greeks and Hebrews wrote these stories down and then wrote about what the stories mean.

"People then read what they wrote and made comments. This became like a conversation across time.

"The Syntopicon guides you through threads in the conversation.

"You can read on your own, but the best way to become wise is for you and a couple of friends to read an idea at the same time and talk about it."

I was 9 when Tom introduced me to the Great Books. I was intriqued!  I wanted to be WISE! Did I read these books? Well, the books didn't live in MY house did they? So, no. 

When I was 25 I welcomed a set of the great books into my home.  Did I read them then? No.

Now I'm 76 and I figured, "Why not?"

But, me being me, rather than taking a volume off the shelf and just begin reading, I needed to do some research:

QUES: It's been 72 years since the Great Books were published. Have there been additions or deletions?  

ANS: The 1952 original publication includes 54 volumes. The second edition in 1990 has 60 volumes and made additions to 11 of the existing books. 

QUES: The books included were selected by a small group (Mortimer Adler, Robert Hutchins, and William Benton). Has anyone else developed a similar list? 

ANS: Mortimer wasn't the first to identify books that a thinking citizen should be familiar with. At the beginning of the 20th century, the President of Harvard, Charles W. Eliot, thought his (Dr Eliot's) Five-Foot Shelf of Books could provide a person with the foundations of a liberal education. He compiled and edited a list of literature and historical documents that were published in 1909-1910 in a 50 volume. This became known as the Harvard Classics.

During his tenure at Columbia University, in 1920 John Erskine created the General Honors Course to help develop students into more complete human beings. The process he adopted was for each student to read a great book each week and discuss it in a small group. Mortimer J. Adler was an instructor in this course in the 1920s (1923?). The current incarnation of the General Honors Course can be found in Columbia's Literature Humanities  and Contemporary Civilization courses. Books on the reading lists for these two courses are highlighted in purple in the table below.

Mortimer Adler was the adamant champion of what became the Great Books of the Western World. His quest began in 1941 and was accomplished in 1952. 

Joseph Brodsky, the 1987 Nobel Prize winner in Literature, created the List of 83 Books You Should Read to Have an Intelligent Conversation.

Shane Sherman maintains The Greatest Western Books of All Time which he compiles from various "Best Book" lists.  (A combination of thoughtful and popular?)

Of course universities have their reading lists. It would be intriguing to compile a reading list which spans the various departments in a university (similar to Columbia's The Core Curriculum).  

(NOTE: Since I posted this I've learned about

QUES: What books and documents are included in the Great Books of the Western World (GBWW)?

ANS: A list of documents organized by its 60 Volume is included in the GBWW wikipedia article.

I copied the list to a spreadsheet, notated a date for each.  I added some items and include them at the top of the list:

There are 398 works in list. Doing some searches to find book lengths, that's 41,914 pages!

 QUES: So now what? I've made this spiffy list that I can waste my time sorting, what's the plan?

ANS: Well, 398 books seems a bit much and 41,914 pages are overwhelming  (How do you eat an elephant comes to mind), so I have a bit of planning to do. 

 I'll do some sorting to pare down the list to something manageable on my next post. Then I'll come up with a plan.

 (NOTE: Books on Columbia's 2024 Literature Humanities  and Contemporary Civilization  reading lists are highlighted in purple.)

The Epic of Gilgamesh-12001
the Bible (King James version)17692
the Bible (Douay version)17523
The Bhagavad Gita-5004
Analects (The Sayings of Confucius)-2205
The Song of Roland11158
The Destruction of Dá Derga’s Hostel17829
The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs187710
The Great ConversationRobert Maynard Hutchins (Editor)
Mortimer J. Adler (Editor)
The Great Ideas I : ANGEL to LOVERobert Maynard Hutchins (Editor)
Mortimer J. Adler (Editor)
The Great Ideas II
Robert Maynard Hutchins (Editor)
Mortimer J. Adler (Editor)
The IliadHomer4-70014
The OdysseyHomer4-70015
The Suppliant MaidensAeschylus5-45816
The PersiansAeschylus5-47217
Seven Against ThebesAeschylus5-46718
Prometheus BoundAeschylus5-42419
The OresteiaAeschylus5-45020
The EumenidesAeschylus5-45023
Oedipus the KingSophocles5-42924
Oedipus at ColonusSophocles5-40125
The TrachiniaeSophocles5-42529
The SuppliantsEuripides5-45836
The Trojan WomenEuripides5-41537
Heracles MadEuripides5-41644
The Phoenician WomenEuripides5-42545
Iphigenia in TaurisEuripides5-41247
Iphigenia in AulisEuripides5-40648
The AcharniansAristophanes5-42549
The KnightsAristophanes5-42450
The CloudsAristophanes5-42351
The WaspsAristophanes5-42252
The BirdsAristophanes5-41454
The FrogsAristophanes5-40555
The HistoryHerodotus6-43060
History of the Peloponnesian WarThucydides6-40061
The RepublicPlato7-37578
The Seventh LetterPlato7-35287
On InterpretationAristotle8-32289
Prior AnalyticsAristotle8-35090
Posterior AnalyticsAristotle8-32291
Sophistical RefutationsAristotle8-32293
On the HeavensAristotle8-35095
On Generation and CorruptionAristotle8-32296
On the SoulAristotle8-35099
Minor biological worksAristotle8-322100
On Sense and the SensibleAristotle8-322101
On Memory and ReminisenceAristotle8-350102
On Sleep and SleeplessnessAristotle8-322103
On DreamsAristotle8-322104
On Prophesying by DreamsAristotle8-322105
On Longevity and Shortness of LifeAristotle8-322106
On Youth and Old Age, On Life and Death, On BreathingAristotle8-322107
History of AnimalsAristotle9-322108
Parts of AnimalsAristotle9-350109
On the Motion of AnimalsAristotle9-322110
On the Gait of AnimalsAristotle9-322111
On the Generation of AnimalsAristotle9-322112
Nicomachean EthicsAristotle9-322113
The Athenian ConstitutionAristotle9-322115
The Hippocratic OathHippocrates10-370118
On Ancient MedicineHippocrates10-400119
On Airs, Water, and PlacesHippocrates10-400120
The Book of PrognosticsHippocrates10-400121
On Regimen in Acute DiseasesHippocrates10-400122
Of the EpidemicsHippocrates10-400123
On Injuries of the HeadHippocrates10-400124
On the SurgeryHippocrates10-400125
On FracturesHippocrates10-400126
On the ArticulationsHippocrates10-400127
Instruments of ReductionHippocrates10-400128
The LawHippocrates10-400130
The UlcerHippocrates10-400131
On FistulaeHippocrates10-400132
On HemorrhoidsHippocrates10-400133
On the Sacred DiseaseHippocrates10-400134
On the Natural FacultiesGalen10199135
The Thirteen Books of Euclid's ElementsEuclid11-300136
On the Sphere and CylinderArchimedes11-225137
Measurement of a CircleArchimedes11-250138
On Conoids and SpheroidsArchimedes11-212139
On SpiralsArchimedes11-225140
On the Equilibrium of PlanesArchimedes11-212141
The Sand ReckonerArchimedes11-212142
The Quadrature of the ParabolaArchimedes11-212143
On Floating BodiesArchimedes11-212144
Book of LemmasArchimedes11-212145
The Method Treating of Mechanical ProblemsArchimedes11-212146
On Conic SectionsApollonius of Perga11-190147
Introduction to ArithmeticNicomachus of Gerasa11120148
On the Nature of ThingsLucretius121473149
The DiscoursesEpictetus12108150
The MeditationsMarcus Aurelius12180151
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and RomansPlutarch14100155
The AnnalsP. Cornelius Tacitus15117156
The HistoriesP. Cornelius Tacitus15105157
On the Revolutions of Heavenly SpheresNicolaus Copernicus161543159
Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (Books IV–V)Johannes Kepler161621160
The Harmonies of the World (Book V)Johannes Kepler161619161
The Six EnneadsPlotinus17250162
The ConfessionsAugustine of Hippo18400163
The City of GodAugustine of Hippo18426164
On Christian DoctrineAugustine of Hippo18426165
Summa TheologicaThomas Aquinas191274166
Summa TheologicaThomas Aquinas201274167
Divine ComedyDante Alighieri211321168
Troilus and CriseydeGeoffrey Chaucer221385169
The Canterbury TalesGeoffrey Chaucer221476170
The PrinceNiccolò Machiavelli231532171
LeviathanThomas Hobbes231651172
Gargantua and PantagruelFrançois Rabelais241564173
EssaysMichel Eyquem de Montaigne251592174
The First Part of King Henry the SixthWilliam Shakespeare261591175
The Second Part of King Henry the SixthWilliam Shakespeare261591176
The Third Part of King Henry the SixthWilliam Shakespeare261591177
The Tragedy of Richard the ThirdWilliam Shakespeare261594178
The Comedy of ErrorsWilliam Shakespeare261594179
Titus AndronicusWilliam Shakespeare261593180
The Taming of the ShrewWilliam Shakespeare261593181
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaWilliam Shakespeare261593182
Love's Labour's LostWilliam Shakespeare261595183
Romeo and JulietWilliam Shakespeare261596184
The Tragedy of King Richard the SecondWilliam Shakespeare261595185
A Midsummer Night's DreamWilliam Shakespeare261595186
The Life and Death of King JohnWilliam Shakespeare261595187
The Merchant of VeniceWilliam Shakespeare261596188
The First Part of King Henry the FourthWilliam Shakespeare261597189
The Second Part of King Henry the FourthWilliam Shakespeare261599190
Much Ado About NothingWilliam Shakespeare261599191
The Life of King Henry the FifthWilliam Shakespeare261599192
Julius CaesarWilliam Shakespeare261599193
As You Like ItWilliam Shakespeare261599194
Twelfth Night; or, What You WillWilliam Shakespeare271602195
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of DenmarkWilliam Shakespeare271601196
The Merry Wives of WindsorWilliam Shakespeare271602197
Troilus and CressidaWilliam Shakespeare271602198
All's Well That Ends WellWilliam Shakespeare271608199
Measure for MeasureWilliam Shakespeare271604200
Othello, the Moor of VeniceWilliam Shakespeare271603201
King LearWilliam Shakespeare271605202
MacbethWilliam Shakespeare271606203
Antony and CleopatraWilliam Shakespeare271607204
CoriolanusWilliam Shakespeare271608205
Timon of AthensWilliam Shakespeare271606206
Pericles, Prince of TyreWilliam Shakespeare271609207
CymbelineWilliam Shakespeare271611208
The Winter's TaleWilliam Shakespeare271623209
The TempestWilliam Shakespeare271611210
The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the EighthWilliam Shakespeare271623211
SonnetsWilliam Shakespeare271605212
On the Loadstone and Magnetic BodiesWilliam Gilbert281893213
Dialogues Concerning the Two New SciencesGalileo Galilei281638214
On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in AnimalsWilliam Harvey281657215
On the Circulation of BloodWilliam Harvey281628216
On Animal GenerationWilliam Harvey281651217
The History of Don Quixote de la ManchaMiguel de Cervantes291605218
The Advancement of LearningSir Francis Bacon301605219
Novum OrganumSir Francis Bacon301620220
New AtlantisSir Francis Bacon301627221
Rules for the Direction of the MindRené Descartes311701222
Discourse on the MethodRené Descartes311637223
Meditations on First PhilosophyRené Descartes311641224
Objections Against the Meditations and RepliesRené Descartes311642225
The GeometryRené Descartes311649226
EthicsBenedict de Spinoza311677227
On the Morning of Christ's NativityJohn Milton321646228
A Paraphrase on Psalm 114John Milton321645229
Psalm 136John Milton321673230
The PassionJohn Milton321646231
On TimeJohn Milton321646232
Upon the CircumcisionJohn Milton321646233
At a Solemn MusickJohn Milton321646234
An Epitaph on the Marchioness of WinchesterJohn Milton321646235
Song on May MorningJohn Milton321646236
On ShakespeareJohn Milton321630237
On the University CarrierJohn Milton321646238
Another on the sameJohn Milton321646239
L'AllegroJohn Milton321645240
Il PenserosoJohn Milton321646241
ArcadesJohn Milton321634242
LycidaJohn Milton321638243
ComusJohn Milton321634244
On the Death of a Fair InfantJohn Milton321628245
At a Vacation ExerciseJohn Milton321631246
The Fifth Ode of HoraceJohn Milton321673247
Sonnets (I, and VII—XIX)John Milton321655248
On the New Forcers of ConscienceJohn Milton321673249
On the Lord General Fairfax at the Siege of ColchesterJohn Milton321673250
To the Lord General CromwellJohn Milton321652251
To Sir Henry Vane the YoungerJohn Milton321673252
To Mister Cyriack the Skinner upon his BlindnessJohn Milton321673253
Psalms (I—VIII & LXXX—LXXXVIII)John Milton321653254
Paradise LostJohn Milton321667255
Samson AgonistesJohn Milton321674256
AreopagiticaJohn Milton321644257
The Provincial LettersBlaise Pascal331657258
PenséesBlaise Pascal331670259
Scientific and mathematical essaysBlaise Pascal331658260
Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophySir Isaac Newton341687261
OpticsSir Isaac Newton341704262
Treatise on LightChristiaan Huygens341690263
A Letter Concerning TolerationJohn Locke351689264
Concerning Civil Government, Second EssayJohn Locke351690265
An Essay Concerning Human UnderstandingJohn Locke351689266
The Principles of Human KnowledgeGeorge Berkeley351710267
An Enquiry Concerning Human UnderstandingDavid Hume351748268
Gulliver's TravelsJonathan Swift361726269
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, GentlemanLaurence Sterne361759270
The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingHenry Fielding371749271
The Spirit of the LawsCharles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu381748272
A Discourse on the Origin of InequalityJean Jacques Rousseau381754273
A Discourse on Political EconomyJean Jacques Rousseau381755274
The Social ContractJean Jacques Rousseau381762275
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of NationsAdam Smith391776276
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 1)Edward Gibbon401776277
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 2)Edward Gibbon411781278
Critique of Pure ReasonImmanuel Kant421781279
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of MoralsImmanuel Kant421785280
Critique of Practical ReasonImmanuel Kant421788281
The Metaphysics of MoralsImmanuel Kant421797282
Preface and Introduction to the Metaphysical Elements of Ethics with a note on ConscienceImmanuel Kant421797283
General Introduction to the Metaphysic of MoralsImmanuel Kant421797284
The Science of RightImmanuel Kant421797285
The Critique of JudgementImmanuel Kant421790286
Declaration of IndependenceAmerican State Papers431776287
Articles of ConfederationAmerican State Papers431777288
The Constitution of the United States of AmericaAmerican State Papers431787289
The FederalistAlexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay431788290
On LibertyJohn Stuart Mill431859291
Considerations on Representative GovernmentJohn Stuart Mill431861292
UtilitarianismJohn Stuart Mill431861293
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.James Boswell441791294
Elements of ChemistryAntoine Laurent Lavoisier451789295
Analytical Theory of HeatJean Baptiste Joseph Fourier451878296
Experimental Researches in ElectricityMichael Faraday451832297
The Philosophy of RightGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel461821298
The Philosophy of HistoryGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel461837299
FaustJohann Wolfgang von Goethe471829300
Moby Dick; or, The WhaleHerman Melville481951301
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural SelectionCharles Darwin491859302
The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to SexCharles Darwin491871303
CapitalKarl Marx501894304
Manifesto of the Communist PartyKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels501848305
War and PeaceCount Leo Tolstoy511867306
The Brothers KaramazovFyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky521880307
The Principles of PsychologyWilliam James531918308
The Origin and Development of Psycho-AnalysisSigmund Freud541910309
Selected Papers on HysteriaSigmund Freud541909310
The Sexual Enlightenment of ChildrenSigmund Freud541907311
The Future Prospects of Psycho-Analytic TherapySigmund Freud541912312
Observations on "Wild" Psycho-AnalysisSigmund Freud541910313
The Interpretation of DreamsSigmund Freud541900314
On NarcissismSigmund Freud541914315
Instincts and Their VicissitudesSigmund Freud541915316
RepressionSigmund Freud541915317
The UnconsciousSigmund Freud541915318
A General Introduction to Psycho-AnalysisSigmund Freud541917319
Beyond the Pleasure PrincipleSigmund Freud541920320
Group Psychology and the Analysis of the EgoSigmund Freud541921321
The Ego and the IdSigmund Freud541923322
Inhibitions, Symptoms, and AnxietySigmund Freud541926323
Thoughts for the Times on War and DeathSigmund Freud541915324
Civilization and Its DiscontentsSigmund Freud541930325
New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-AnalysisSigmund Freud541933326
Institutes of the Christian ReligionJohn Calvin201536327
The Praise of FollyErasmus231509328
The School for WivesMolière311662329
The Critique of the School for WivesMolière311663330
Don JuanMolière311665332
The MiserMolière311668333
The Would-Be GentlemanMolière311670334
The Imaginary InvalidMolière311673335
BéréniceJean Racine311670336
PhèdreJean Racine311677337
Rameau's NephewDenis Diderot341774339
Fear and TremblingSøren Kierkegaard431843340
Beyond Good and EvilFriedrich Nietzsche431886341
Democracy in AmericaAlexis de Tocqueville441835342
Cousin BetteHonoré de Balzac451846343
EmmaJane Austen461815344
MiddlemarchGeorge Eliot461871345
Little DorritCharles Dickens471857346
Huckleberry FinnMark Twain481885347
A Doll's HouseHenrik Ibsen521879348
The Wild DuckHenrik Ibsen521884349
Hedda GablerHenrik Ibsen521890350
The Master BuilderHenrik Ibsen521892351
PragmatismWilliam James551907352
An Introduction to MetaphysicsHenri Bergson551903353
Experience and EducationJohn Dewey551938354
Science and the Modern WorldAlfred North Whitehead551925355
The Problems of PhilosophyBertrand Russell551912356
What Is Metaphysics?Martin Heidegger551929357
Philosophical InvestigationsLudwig Wittgenstein551953358
The Word of God and the Word of ManKarl Barth551933359
Science and HypothesisHenri Poincaré561902360
Scientific Autobiography and Other PapersMax Planck561947361
An Introduction to MathematicsAlfred North Whitehead561911362
Relativity: The Special and the General TheoryAlbert Einstein561920363
The Expanding UniverseArthur Eddington561940364
Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature (selections)Niels Bohr561934365
Discussion with Einstein on EpistemologyNiels Bohr561949366
A Mathematician's ApologyG. H. Hardy561940367
Physics and PhilosophyWerner Heisenberg561958368
What Is Life?Erwin Schrödinger561944369
Genetics and the Origin of SpeciesTheodosius Dobzhansky561937370
The Nature of LifeC. H. Waddington561961371
The Theory of the Leisure ClassThorstein Veblen571899372
The Acquisitive SocietyR. H. Tawney571920373
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and MoneyJohn Maynard Keynes571936374
The Golden BoughSir James George Frazer581890375
Essays in SociologyMax Weber581920376
The Autumn of the Middle AgesJohan Huizinga581919377
Structural AnthropologyClaude Lévi-Strauss581949378
The Beast in the JungleHenry James591903379
Saint JoanGeorge Bernard Shaw591924380
Heart of DarknessJoseph Conrad591902381
Uncle VanyaAnton Chekhov591899382
Six Characters in Search of an AuthorLuigi Pirandello591921383
Remembrance of Things Past: "Swann in Love"Marcel Proust591927384
A Lost LadyWilla Cather591923385
Death in VeniceThomas Mann591912386
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManJames Joyce591916387
To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf601927388
The MetamorphosisFranz Kafka601915389
The Prussian OfficerD. H. Lawrence601914390
The Waste LandT. S. Eliot601922391
Mourning Becomes ElectraEugene O'Neill601931392
The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald601925393
A Rose for EmilyWilliam Faulkner601930394
Mother Courage and Her ChildrenBertolt Brecht601939395
The Short Happy Life of Francis MacomberErnest Hemingway601936396
Animal FarmGeorge Orwell601945397
Waiting for GodotSamuel Beckett601952398

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