Friday, September 6, 2024

Paradise Lost - resource spreadsheet


"Have you heard of John Milton?", Armando Iannucci's journey into Paradise Lost .

When I was in college, my English major friends said that studying Milton and his Paradise Lost was a big deal. Even now, over fifty years later, when I talk with friends about college, they mention Paradise Lost . So either it was intellectually stimulating or it was so boring that the labor was unforgettable. Either way, Paradise Lost  looms large in my mind.

To address this I've created a preview of the work with links to the resources I'll be using.  Yale University generously offers an open course taught by Professor John Roberts and MIT gives access to the resources for her Special Topics in Literature. The Paradise Lost portion of John Roberts class takes 8 sessions/4 weeks. The MIT course is similar with 8 sessions/4 weeks except the sessions are twice as long. Bottom line - plan to take 4 weeks.

                                     Paradise Lost  resources

John MiltonParadise Lost
- Milton with Yale Professor John Roberts)
Sylabus: MIT Special Topics in Literature - Paradise Lost
- Wikipedia article
- (YouTube)
- (
translated by Judy Boss
translated by Dr Joseph Raben

OVERVIEWThe story begins in medias res and has two story arcs:
- Satan (Lucifer)
- Adam and Eve

10:32 Jordan Peterson, U of Toronto
- Course Hero
- Book summary

- Adam
- Eve
- God
- Satan (Lucifer)
- The Son
- rependant Seraph - Abdiel
- Archangles - Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel
- Devils - Beelzebub, Death, Sin
- Creatures of Confusion - Chaos, Night, Chance, Rumor, Uproar, Discord
I(See Paradise Lost Guide

Begins with Adam eating the forbidden fruit. The Holy Spirit is Milton's muse.
Backtracks to the expulsion of the devils from heaven and Satan's retaking leadership.
IIThe council of devils in Pandemonium develop a plan (Reflection on epic councils of war)
IIIThe council in heaven and an introduction to the SON.
Father, thy word is passeed, Man shall find grace;'
IVSatan's attempt to seduce Eve.

parted they, the Angel up to Heav’n, From the thick shade, and Adam to his Bower.
Satan with Adam and Eve.
Raphael with Adam and Eve.
VRaphael teaches Adam about the War in Heaven.
Adam and Eve sleeping.
VIRaphael finishes the story of the War in Heaven
VIIRaphael teaches Adam the story of creation.
VIIIAdam tells Raphael his and Eve's history
The Creation of Eve.
and is warned of Satan's plot

In with the River sunk, and
with it rose, Satan

O Earth, how like to Heav’n, if not preferr’d, More justly,

fast sleeping soon he found, In Labyrinth of many a round self-rolled,

Nearer he drew, and many a walk traversed, Of stateliest covert, cedar, pine, or palm

Back to the Thicket slunk,
The guilty Serpent

Nor only tears, Rained at their eyes, but high winds worse within, Began to rise
IXThe Fall: The temptation of Eve.

They heard,
And from his presence hid themselves among, The thickest Trees,

And now expecting,
Each hour their great adventurer from the search, Of Foreign Worlds

This said, they both
betook them several ways.
Dreadful was the din
XJudgment. Satan is rejected by the council of Pandemonium; Adam and Eve reconcile

Began to build
a vessel of huge bulk
All dwellings else, Flood overwhelmd, and them, with all their pomp
They beseech,
That Moses might report to them his will, And terror cease
XIThe Son intecedes for Adam and Eve; Michael delivers the sentence
XIIThe Promise of Redemption (Protevangelium); the expulsion for the Garden.

The Heavenly bands
Some natural tears they dropt, but whiped them soon

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